Six Month Braces From Arden Dental Associates is a Great Adult Orthodontic Treatment

Six Month BracesIf you are considering straightening your teeth, six month braces from Arden Dental Associates are an excellent way to do so. We work with patients of all ages and while children tend to be excited about straightening their teeth – adults do not.  Most of our adult patients want straight teeth but don't like the idea of having to wear braces for a couple of years.  This is understandable considering that, while extremely effective, braces can interfere with some normal daily activities like what foods you can eat and how long it takes to complete your oral hygiene routine.  With that in mind, we offer six month braces from our local dental office.

Those interested in exploring this option should call to schedule a consultation.  During this appointment, we will examine your teeth and gums to determine if you are likely to respond well to six month braces and if you are healthy enough for the treatment.  As with any orthodontics, you should have cavities and infections treated first so that your braces do not complicate any existing health issues. We can schedule you for a convenient appointment time so that you can determine what the best way to straighten your teeth is.

The procedure works in a similar fashion to traditional braces, by applying force to teeth in order to move them into the correct position.  The main difference with 6 Month Braces is that they are clear adult braces, meaning that they are virtually invisible when worn.  This is ideal for our older patients that want to have straight and beautiful teeth but without their appearance being negatively impacted.  Right now, 6 Month Braces is an adult treatment, so if your child wants to straighten their teeth, traditional braces are still the best option for them until they turn 16 years old.

Even though 6 Month Braces straighten teeth faster than traditional braces, they are incredibly comfortable.  One question that Arden Dental Associates is frequently asked is how can braces with a shorter treatment time move teeth comfortably?   In our local dental office, we offer this procedure because it uses the latest in technology to deliver real results. This means that the same goals you have for straight teeth can be accomplished without needing to wear braces for a year or two.  As the technology has improved, so have the treatment options that we can provide you, our patient.  The procedure is incredibly comfortable, and our patients are surprised by how easy it is to straighten their teeth in only six months.  One thing to note is that with 6 Month Braces the emphasis is on the position of teeth and their cosmetic appearance, not on jaw alignment.  With this in mind, if you are concerned about the position of your jaw and looking to move it significantly, traditional orthodontics may be the best option for you.

In order to find out whether 6 Month Braces or traditional braces are your best option, call Arden Dental Associates for a consultation so that we can examine your teeth and gums before making an individual recommendation for treatment.  Our office is conveniently located, our staff is warm and welcoming and we will do our best to ensure that you can love your smile again.

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