Root Canal Procedure FAQ’s

When are root canals necessary?
Root canal therapy is required when the pulp in teeth is damaged or infected to an irreversible point. This damage is the result of a series of injuries that occur across the tooth's life. From general decay to restorations, trauma, and pulp can be damaged in a variety of ways. The root canal removes the full pulp across the root canal system.
What are the symptoms that indicate a root canal is necessary?
If you are sensitive to cold or hot foods and the sensation lingers for an extended period, you should meet with your dentist to determine if a root canal is necessary. If you experience a severe or dull oral pain, discomfort when biting or oral discomfort that wakes you at night, you might need a root canal.
What happens at the initial appointment?
The dentist starts the appointment with a brief conversation, an analysis of your forms and a look at your mouth. He or she will likely take an x-ray, a local anesthetic is applied, and the tooth in question is numbed. A protective sheet known as a dental rubber dam is positioned to isolate the chomper. An opening is made within the crown, and small instruments are used to clean out the canals and shape the area for the filling. As soon as the canals are adequately cleaned, they are then filled with the root canal filling and the specialized sealer. The dentist takes away the temporary filling before the tooth begins being restored.
Does the procedure hurt?
Root canals are unfairly stereotyped as painful. Thanks to advances in dentistry, improvements in local anesthetics and new techniques, it is rare for patients to experience considerable pain during a root canal. The tooth will likely be sensitive as you bite in the couple of days following the root canal procedure. If you experience such pain, take a pain medication available over-the-counter, and you will find the discomfort is minimized.
If the tooth is not bothersome, why is the root canal necessary?
In some cases, the tooth that requires the root canal is not painful. In other instances, the pain goes away when the patient takes antibiotics. However, even though the pain has stopped, it does not mean the infection is eliminated. The root canal will disinfect the entire interior portion of the tooth where the source of the virus resides. This approach prevents the contamination from spreading.
How long will the root canal procedure take?
The length of time your root canal takes hinges on the nuances of the procedure as well as the type of tooth in question. In general, the time in the dentist's office for a root canal is usually between an hour and two hours. The treatment can be performed in a single visit yet a second appointment is necessary for specific instances.
Contact our office today, and we can help guide you on the best ways to have procedures and dental issues resolved quickly.
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